Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Handling Rejections by Angela Topping

Very good blog post about handling rejections. I generally write prose not poetry, but I think her advice applies there too. Especially the part about revising. I had a personal essay rejected three times this year and then after some minor tweaking it was accepted by the next lit journal I submitted it to. I have another short story that has been rejected five times so far. Two of the editors wanted to publish it, but they didn't like the ending. So I made some changes and now have it out there again. Rejection letters shouldn't be inspiration killers. Instead, use them to inspire you to either make revisions or to keep submitting.



  1. I have loved three women who did not love me back. Rejection is not a problem I have and neither is writer's block,

    NEVER give up and NEVER despair!
